Caritas Zimbabwe Archdiocese of Bulawayo's developmental programmes are focussed on Zimbabwe's drought prone regions of Matabeleland North and South. Caritas Zimbabwe (PVO 25/2014) is a development agency of the Roman Catholic Church and a member of Caritas Internationalis. Caritas Zimbabwe is spread across the country’s six Dioceses and two Archdioceses. Caritas Zimbabwe Bulawayo was formed in 1972 in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo through the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop‘s Conference and at formation it was known as Catholic Development Commission (CADEC). Caritas Zimbabwe Bulawayo implements its developmental activities in Matabeleland South and North.
To Facilitate Empowerment Process In Sustainable Development In the Archdiocese Of Bulawayo Without Discriminating on Gender, Faith and Political Affiliation This is Achieved Effective Partnership Arrangements Through Aminstreaming Of Gender, HIV & AIDs Disability And Environment Through Capacity Building In order To Enhance:
- Long Term Food Security
- Disaster Preparedness
- Improved Water Supply
- Income Generating
Caritas Zimbabwe Bulawayo commits its self to deliver its quality work as a Christian, organization guided by a set of “core value”
That targeting of beneficiaries should be participatory, that vulnerable groups are targeted regardless of gender, faith, or political affiliation.
Respect for Humanity
Need to value emergency programs and have a different approach which is prompt response to save life, reach out to the communities closer at Village level rather than ward level.
Respect for the social teachings of the Catholic Church
Observe teachings of the catechism in line with our charity work, Portray the image of the church in our work.
Effective partnership Arrangement
To work closely with the church structures, co-operate with the stakeholders.
Accountability and Transparency
Total compliance through financial and narrative reporting, issuing of certificates at all trainings and on completed projects & steward ship in our work.
Need to observe minimum sphere standards in all programing activities
Mutual respect as employees and management